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My Newest App for Hiems mansion! Here is all the information you need to know about Razori

:bulletred: Basic Information :bulletred:
Name: Razori Esfir Kiromo

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Myers Briggs: ISTP *Introvert(28%) Sensing(62%) Thinking(38%) Perceiving(33)%* (The Crafter)

Sexuality: : Heterosexual (Fiercely straight to the point of appearing homophobic)

Birthday: : 10th May 1992

Zodiac: : Taurus

Height:: 5,7

Weight: : 7 stone, 8 Pounds

Nationality: Russian (Has a thick Russian accent)

Family : Coming from the leaders family, Razori had a father and mother (being kept away from her mother for unknown reasons, though her father claiming it was to keep her from becoming soft and unfit to become a leader). She only has one full sibling, this being her twin brother, Artime . However, Razori will never speak of him. Asides from him, Razori has 4 other half siblings (being related to her father, not her mother). Their names being: Viktor, Alexei, Aglaii and Naida. Razori does not a very high opinion of her half siblings, believing their blood to be corrupted due to her father’s lack of loyalty towards her mother, thus does not care to speak about them. Friendship wise, she was known to have a small affair with a boy (not known is much about him, not even his name) in her village after she turned 13, but this was soon stopped after her family found out, in order to prevent the families name in the village from being sullied.

:bulletred: Natural Species :bulletred:

Razori is a Weissen, being part of a clan of timid creatures who lived in the Russian mountains. Each Weissen has white/silver hair, pale skin and blue in order to camouflage them within the mist and keep themselves from being seen by other species (aka, more dangerous predators). Being a peaceful clan, the Weissen’s lives are calm, only leaving the home of their mountain peak in times of war, sorrow or if they are called upon to help allying species. To keep this peace maintained, the rules of society (in the village) are incredibly strict, most children being brought up in households where punishment is constant in their routine, in order to install discipline and adherence to the older generation. In the village, each person is given a specific job, relating to their title and status, during each stage of their lives having their choices made for them by the leader of the village (such as who they marry, where they are to live). The village works as a unit to keep itself stable.

With religion, the Weissens believe in many Gods and Goddesses, each relating to different parts of nature/ the natural world. They believe that the entire collection create harmony in their world, the signs of them falling apart being shown through changes in the weather (e.g. Storms showing that the Gods are fighting, Sunny days showing that they are at peace). Festivals are quite frequent in the Weissen culture, celebrating these Gods, as well as special times in the Weissens lives (such as 15 when they are officially seen as adults or specific festivals in order to get to know their selected mates)

Diet wise, the Weissen’s normally eat whatever they can find on their mountain, that being meat, fruit/ vegetables or anything, the usual drink being water. They only receive alternative food or drink when a high ranking Weissen has returned to the mountain or if they have been ordered to leave their home to aid other species (however this rarely happens), thus only very high ranking Weissens/ the leaders family are able to try other sorts of foods.

When selecting clothing for Weissens, most of them wear a lot of fabric, attempting to dress as warm as possible as they are used to the cold weather( the wind, the rain, the snow, the mist), thus it is normally to see them walking around in furs, the females wearing thick dresses, while the males wear large coats. Being modest in their appearance, most Weissens will try not to show any skin, thus attempting to look attractive through the patterns of their clothing. The common man/woman will only wear white, using it to camouflage themselves and also to show that they are part of the clan. The only people who are able to wear anything different is the leader, wearing purple in order to distinguish who they are and their status in the village. The leader’s family are allowed to wear purple, but only appear to wear it during festivals, only wearing white during other periods of time.

:bulletred: Implanted Species :bulletred:

Due to the events that happened in her past, Razori is no longer a full Weissen. Having a blood demon implanted in her womb, this has given her the ability to harden her blood, the blood reacting with the air in order to create a thick crust, voila! A blood crystal! . During her years of self-isolation (before coming to the mansion), Razori trained hard to master her new abilities, being able to form weaponry with them as well as ways to use them to fight.

However, although these abilities present her with great strength, this also comes at a great cost. Razori already knows that as her body is too badly infused with the demon (and cannot be parted with it) that it is slowly eating away at her strength. Already lacking a lot of physical strength, the demon will make her weaker and weaker as she gets older. With the lack of ability to control the demons powers, they will go haywire, hardening the blood inside of her, at first causing problems like circulatory blockages, until causing organ failure due to entire crystallization of circulation. This will cause her demise, most likely when she is in her early 40’s or 50’s.

:bulletred: Likes and Dislikes :bulletred:
:bulletred: Favourite Food: Thick Soups (Especially potato soup)
:bulletred: Favourite Drinks : Red Wine and Herbal tea
:bulletred: Favourite Book: Fairy tales (The Little Mermaid)
:bulletred: Favourite Colours: Purple, White, Red
:bulletred: Favourite Weather: Rain/ Heavy Storms/ Cold days
:bulletred: Favourite Activities: Sleeping, Reading, Swimming, Fighting, Playing the viola, Insulting and teasing the others, Taking a hot shower

:bulletred: Hated Food: Sweet Foods, Bland Foods
:bulletred: Hated Drinks: Sodas, Fizzy waters
:bulletred: Hated Books: Sci-fi novels (she just doesn’t understand them, since she does not have a grasp of what technology is :iconpapcryplz: )
:bulletred: Hated Colours: Greens and oranges
:bulletred: Hated Weather: Hot, humid days with a lack of wind (Due to being raised on a mountain in Russia, she is only used to the cold, thus the heat makes her slow and tired)
:bulletred: Hated Activities: Waking up early, Dealing with cooking in the kitchen, Conversation with dull people, Looking at china dolls/ dolls with button eyes, The smell of fish and rotting meat
:bulletred: Hated Music: :iconmingplz: What is this rock and pop of which you speak of?

:bulletred: Nickname: Mega Bitch, That woman, 'White Trash', Raz, Razzy, Raz-berry (call her that at your own risk)

:bulletred: Strengths :bulletred:

:bulletred: Her blood hardens to create crystals that she can use as weapons, pulling them out to form knives, or even to let the blood drip in front of her to form shields. She can only use long distance attacks and will never be seen attacking someone physically. It is only ever with her blood abilities. She also is able to use her blood to form little blood bombs, these being different to normal bombs. How? You will have to find out for yourself.

:bulletred: Although she struggles with proper offensive attacks, her defensive abilities are modest, using them to dodge or try and avoid being too badly hurt

:bulletred: Although Razori might not show it, she does have a brain, enjoying making her fights into ‘games’ , where she can set traps for others, enjoying the feeling of being the predator in the fight. If she plans a fight, it is very likely that she will research the person before going into battle.

:bulletred: Taunting people: It might not be the most useful skill, but when people become distracted by silly comments, that is useful for her to get the upper hand and manipulate people.

:bulletred: Weaknesses :bulletred:

:bulletred: Anger Management Issues: Although Razori has a reasonable intelligence, normally due to her violent and temperamental nature, she usually can become distracted by little comments, thus making her vulnerable as she focuses more on what has been said than what the opponent is trying to do. This makes it easy for her to fall into traps. It is also quite easy for her to be outwitted by another opponent, falling into mental traps easily, as well as being outsmarted by them.

:bulletred: Physical Attacks: Although she has strong blood attacks, Razori’s physical attacks are nearly useless. Lacking in anybody strength, she attempts to hide behind her blood shields and abilities in order to make herself look stronger than she actually is. If she is attacked physically, for instance being punched, this will weaken her immensely, to the point where she will have to rethink of plans, even to the point of running away. Thus, this forces her to resort to long ranged attacks, attempting to keep the opponent as far away as possible. Sometimes her attacks will force her to stay in the exact place, making it impossible for her to move (for instance, if she attempts to use her blood crystals up from the ground, she will be stuck in place), thus making her a sitting duck for others to attack her.

:bulletred: The Heat: Due to being a Weissen, this means that she is used to a colder climate, thus when she is in a hotter environment, it becomes a struggle from her. The heat wears on her physically as well as mentally. Normally it causes her to become quite faint, struggling to keep herself upright or think straight. Thus she cannot fight during times of heat.

:bulletred: Early Demise: Please see above to know how this is a weakness (in Implanted Species)

:bulletred: Shaky Mentality: Due to events in her past, Razori’s mentality has become unstable, thus making her blunt, violent, rude, obsessive, masochistic, sadistic as well as becoming a hedonist. She strives to become powerful in order to seek her revenge against people that made her feel weak in her past. Thus this is one of the only things in her mind, she has become easy to manipulate, making it easy for her to become a tool to others and what they want, instead of what she wants.

:bulletred: Personal Saying :bulletred: : ‘Okay, Let’s get one thing fucking straight. I hate you, I hate your fucking guts and I wish that you would fucking die. Pretty simple isn’t it!’

:bulletred: Background/ Past: Being brought up in the leaders family, within the Weissen culture, Razori was a disciplined child, attempting to follow the rules, without any signs of disappearance. Although she is willing to talk about this part of her life, she is not willing to divulge any other sort of information in how she became the sort of person she was today. This is information that only a few people will find out, people who are incredibly close to her. Even then, she will be selective about what she says, not wanting to gain pity by saying it, instead wanting to gain understanding for what she is trying to seek because of it.

:bulletred: Personality : Razori is defined as what one would call: ‘An Antagonist ’. Her mentality is entirely built up over the idea that as she suffered for so long, it is in her right to spread it around and make others feel the exact same way she did, craving to be in the powerful position, the predator instead of the victim. Enjoying watching people’s reactions towards her comments towards them, she finds it amusing to start fights with them, hoping that by physically beating them, as well as mentally, she can prove her worth and how strong she actually is.

If one has not noticed so far, Razori’s mental state is anything but stable, being prone to having violent and angry spats with others, she is like a lose canon, struggling to keep herself together, constantly swearing and spouting insults at others and preferring to keep to herself rather than struggle in others company. When she does genuinely find someone she likes, she can grow obsessive, to the point of stalking them and trying to keep their attention only fixated on her. These obsessions can grow to the point of dangerous, where Razori is willing to go and hurt the people that her obsessions love in order to make them hers.

Being vile and crude, Razori also uses sexuality in order to try and gain obedience and power over men (never women). In her little ’harem’, she enjoys trying to make men fall in love with her, manipulating them to give her what she desires before breaking their hearts, simply to watch them suffer. So far, only one man has resisted becoming part of her harem, thus making her desire for him grow. However as he is a masochist and sadist himself, he does not seem to mind her stalkerish nature around him.

:bulletred: Fun Facts! :bulletred:

:bulletred: If one see’s anything below her stomach line (namely near her womb), the at the left hand side, just nearing her hip, one will be able to see a jagged bunch of crystals, jutting out underneath the skin, almost appearing like a red scar that will never heal. Be wary about touching this area! This is where her blood demon resides! It can become violent when touched, something wriggling against the skin, trying to make it crack so that it can free itself. It is an entity in its own right, simply being trapped within Razori’s body.

:bulletred: Razori wears very revealing clothing, hoping to prove a point that she is going against the old traditions of her culture, yet still wearing purple in order to highlight that she is of noble blood.

:bulletred: :iconmingplz: It has been proven that Razori struggles with periods and things of that nature. Think about it, I’m sure you’ll figure out the reason why. :iconfacepalmplz:

:bulletred: Has a twin brother: [link] Artime

:bulletred: Being Russian she has a very strong accent! She sounds like this: [link]

:bulletred: She can play the cello!

:bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred:

Boyfriend/ "Her Man": Richard Irving: She met him whilst looking for food for the mansion outside. He was on the World Train. After having a basic fling with him, she began to gain a deeper connection with him. Deciding to give him a shot, she accepted him as her lover. Now they visit each other. It is interchanging. One day Razori will visit Richard on the train, the other day Richard will visit Razori in Hiems. She is gaining more and more feelings for him with each passing day. Richard has even gone to see her father (Egon), once he found out about his fate.


Tumblr : [link] :iconffplz: ASK HER SOME QUESTIONS YOU BETCHES! :iconheplz: All questions are welcome! They’re amusing to answer >w>
Icons : :iconrazoriplz: :iconrazorila: :iconrazorirageplz:

Theme Tunes:
Normal: [link], [link]
Sad: [link]
Angry/ Insanity: [link]
‘Special’ Moments :iconpervylenplz: [link]
Congratulations, You were just rick roll’d

:bulletred: Rp Information :

Rp Meme: I enjoy any sorts of rp! That being para or script rp! You just have to be a bit wary around my character! She can get very nasty, enjoying hurting people more than making friends. I can always be found in the chat room! If you wish to start an rp with me, just send me a comment on her profile or a note! I’m always willing to meet new people and see what their oc’s are like! So don’t be shy! :iconexcitedblushplz:



x. Theres so many fucking bitches in this place, they might as well turn into into a fucking dog shelter

x. Of course, I'm the fucking best. I mean? Who else could it be? Fish Bait? HA! Keep on dreaming, retard!

x. You want to know my favorite fucking fairytale? That's simple! Once upon a time, there was a young demon called Kazu from the land of green. However, everyone picked on him because he had yellow hair. So one day, he decided to pack up and leave, wanting to explore the world. So he traveled across the country and came across the land of red. He tried to settle there, but, once again, they drove him out because of his hair color. He continued to search for his one true home, being shunned from place to place, until finally he came across the land of yellow. He took his first step into the land...And they shot him. This was because he was so fucking ugly that they thought he was a moose. And they all lived, happily, ever fucking after Except for Kazu, because he was dead . The End


Razori: :iconrachiedian:

Hiems Mansion: :iconleaglem:
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